2016 - present
City of Seaside Visitors Bureau
Seaside, Oregon
Creative Direction & design
product design
Environmental Design
Partners: Holly Macfee and Andrew Dickson
Photography by Don Frank Photography
Seaside came to us looking for a fresh and modern way to tell their story. They wanted not only a logo and style guide, but to shake things up in tourism marketing.
Our answer was not only to play up the city's fun, boardwalk-type feel, but to do what no one else in tourism was: illustration. Since its launch in 2016, Seaside has won several industry marketing awards and enjoyed year-over-year growth in tourism.
After the logo and style guide was complete, we have continued to help Seaside with their advertising. In the years we have been partnering, we have expanded into avenues they had never explored before (branding a light rail train in one of their biggest markets, Portland), art directed photo-shoots specifically for their marketing, made them eye-catching new welcome signs for each end of town and helped create a booklet celebrating the anniversary of the promenade.